CORE Sciences was founded in 2018 by Evan LaPointe as a way of channeling his obsession with human performance.

Evan has founded and led multiple successful businesses prior to CORE, sold a company to Adobe, created products that are used and loved all over the world, and did all of it by activating maximum human potential in his teams.

Having studied Behavioral Science in addition to his engineering and economics degrees at Vanderbilt, Evan learned the fundamentals of what makes human beings tick, how and why human beings are dissimilar to one another, and what makes humans want to perform at a high level. Learning such a powerful lesson so early in life was game changing: when Evan entered the business world, he had the most powerful tool possible…an understanding of what helps human beings be at their best. It helped him hire, motivate, sell, build trust, design culture, create products that people connect with, help people and teams innovate, help people grow, and lead.

Sadly, less than 0.4% of people graduate school with any of this knowledge. Then, architects, engineers, economists, writers, HR people, marketers, designers, project managers, artists and more are dropped into the business world as contributors and later managers and leaders who have to work with, motivate, inspire, trust, and connect with human beings all day, every day. And they have to learn everything about human behavior the hard way, through trial and error, their managers, books, conferences, HBR articles, training programs and more. And most of that advice isn’t great, shared by people who have little formal education in human behavior or the science of the mind. Even some of the most popular books on the shelf are just plain wrong, offering advice that seems sensible but fails to bring about the promised results. We are coming out of an unfortunate era of fairly extreme misinformation, that has left managers, leaders and companies baffled by the behavior, habits, and mindsets they see in their organizations, confused about how to bring about the results they are tasked with achieving.

Evan started CORE to cut through the noise and equip professionals with the real knowledge and science of human behavior, giving them a powerful toolkit that ends dysfunction in relationships, teams, and companies. Equipped with the truth of how the human brain works, any manager or leader can drive engagement, focus, passion, collaboration, execution, and results.